
Automatic Cat Feeder Black Friday Deals 2023: What to Expect

Disclaimer: is a personal blog that participates in affiliate and associate programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn compensation on products purchased (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases).
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November’s always been a magical time for me. The start of the holiday season, the anticipation of family gatherings, and oh, who could forget? Black Friday sales! If you’re anything like me—a proud cat parent—you know the little joys of spoiling our furry friends. Last year, I discovered something that not only made my cat’s life better but mine too: the automatic cat feeder. With our schedules getting crazier by the day, ensuring Whiskers gets his meals on time became a cinch!

Now, with Black Friday right around the bend, I thought it’d be the purr-fect time to share this discovery with fellow cat lovers. In this piece, I’ll chat about why I love these gadgets, what to look for, and the best deals I’ve got my eyes on this sale season.

Here are list of Automatic Cat Feeder Black Friday Deals 2023

Model name Original PriceDiscount price Offer links
Pet Libro - Granary Wi Fi Stainless Steel 5L Automatic Dog and Cat Feeder$89$70View on Best Buy
Pet Libro - Granary Wi Fi Stainless Steel Dual Food Tray 5L Automatic$99$70View on Best Buy
Pet Libro - Granary Wi Fi Stan less Steel Dual Food$149$130View on Best Buy
Pet Libro - Stainless Steel 4L Automatic Dog$69$50View on Best Buy

Pet Libro – Granary Wi Fi Stainless Steel 5L Automatic Dog and Cat Feeder Was $89 Now $70 @ Best Buy

6546506_sdDon’t miss this great deal at Best Buy! The Pet Libro Granary Wi Fi Stainless Steel 5L Automatic Dog and Cat Feeder, previously priced at $89, is now available for just $70. Save $19 and ensure your furry friends are well-fed and happy with this convenient automatic feeder. Upgrade your pet care routine at a discounted price – get the Pet Libro feeder at Best Buy today!


View on Best Buy

Pet Libro – Granary Wi Fi Stainless Steel Dual Food Tray 5L Automatic Was $99 Now $70 @ Best Buy

6546499cv13dDiscover an amazing deal at Best Buy on the Pet Libro Granary Wi Fi Stainless Steel Dual Food Tray 5L Automatic Pet Feeder! Originally priced at $99, you can now purchase it for just $70. Save $29 on this innovative automatic feeder and ensure your pets are well-fed and happy. Don’t miss this fantastic discount – get the Pet Libro feeder at Best Buy today!

View on Best Buy

Pet Libro – Granary Wi Fi Stan less Steel Dual Food Was $149 Now $130 @ Best Buy

6546543_sdTake advantage of this fantastic deal at Best Buy! The Pet Libro Granary Wi Fi Stainless Steel Dual Food Tray, previously priced at $149, is now available for just $130. Save $19 on this innovative pet feeding solution and ensure your furry friends are well-fed and happy. Don’t miss out on this great discount – get the Pet Libro feeder at Best Buy today!

View on Best Buy

Pet Libro – Stainless Steel 4L Automatic Dog Was $69 Now $50 @ Best Buy

6546546_sdDon’t miss out on this great deal at Best Buy! The Pet Libro Stainless Steel 4L Automatic Dog Feeder, originally priced at $69, is now available for just $50. Save $19 on this convenient and reliable automatic pet feeder. Upgrade your pet care routine at a discounted price – get the Pet Libro feeder at Best Buy today!

View on Best Buy

Feature/ModelOriginal PriceSale PriceDiscount AmountSpecial Features
Pet Libro Granary Wi Fi Stainless Steel 5L$89$70$19Wi-Fi, Stainless Steel, 5L Capacity
Pet Libro Granary Wi Fi Stainless Steel Dual Food Tray 5L$99$70$29Wi-Fi, Dual Food Tray, 5L Capacity
Pet Libro Granary Wi Fi Stan less Steel Dual Food$149$130$19Wi-Fi, Dual Food Tray (assuming Stan is a typo for Stainless Steel)
Pet Libro Stainless Steel 4L$69$50$19Stainless Steel, 4L Capacity

The Benefits of Automatic Cat Feeders:

Okay, so let me paint a picture for you. It’s 5 a.m., and there’s this soft (read: irritating) meow at your bedside. Miss Whiskers is hungry, and she’s not going to let you sleep until her bowl is full. Sound familiar? Yup, been there. But then, enter the automatic cat feeder, and suddenly, my mornings (and life, really) changed for the better. Here’s how:

  1. Sleeping In: First off, can we talk about uninterrupted sleep? No more dawn-time meows or nudges. The feeder’s got it covered, and I’ve got my beauty sleep back.
  2. Consistency is Key: Life’s unpredictable. I sometimes lose track of time or have impromptu plans. But no stress. The cat’s dinner? Always on time.
  3. No Overindulgence: And, oh boy, if it were up to my cat, she’d have me feed her around the clock. With this nifty device, she gets just the right amount. It’s like a diet plan but for cats.
  4. Always Fresh: Some feeders can keep even wet food fresh. So, my cat’s tuna treat remains just that—a treat!
  5. The Multi-Cat Dilemma: Got more than one furball? Some feeders are smart enough to know who’s who. No more feeding time feuds.
  6. Goodbye, Guilt: Rushed mornings, late nights at work, and that nagging feeling—did I feed the cat? Gone. The feeder’s got my back.
  7. Life’s Little Blessings: It might seem small, but knowing your cat’s fed, even when life throws a curveball, is genuinely comforting.

Honestly, it’s one of those things—you don’t know what you’re missing until you’ve tried it. And with the way my cat’s taken to it? I’d say it’s a win-win for both of us.

What to Look for in an Automatic Cat Feeder

Alright, diving into the nitty-gritty! Buying an automatic cat feeder isn’t just about freeing up your mornings or evenings. There’s more to consider if you want to make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck, and most importantly, the right one for your feline friend. Let’s break it down:

  1. Size & Capacity: How big is it? Will it be a monstrosity in your kitchen? More importantly, can it hold enough food for your cat’s needs? If you’re traveling for a weekend, you’ll want something that can store enough meals.
  2. Type of Food: Some cats swear by their kibble; others are all about that wet food life. Make sure the feeder can handle whatever gourmet choice your cat prefers.
  3. Power Source: Batteries? Electricity? Maybe even a backup option? There’s nothing worse than the feeder dying because of a power hiccup.
  4. Customizable Settings: Can you set it to dispense food at specific times? Different amounts for different meals? If you’re looking to customize your cat’s feeding schedule, you’ll want these options.
  5. Reliability: This one’s big. Read reviews. Talk to friends. You don’t want a device that’s prone to jamming or breaking down. After all, Miss Whiskers deserves her meals on time!
  6. Brand Reputation: Yeah, brand isn’t everything, but it’s something. Trusted brands often mean better customer service and more reliable products.
  7. Easy Cleaning: If cleaning it is a nightmare, you’ll likely give up on using it. Check if parts are dishwasher safe or if it’s easy to dismantle and clean.
  8. Safety Features: Cats are curious creatures. Look for feeders with locking mechanisms or stability features to ensure your feline can’t topple it over or break in for a snack raid.
  9. Special Features: Wi-Fi connectivity? Voice commands? A camera to watch your cat eat from afar? Some of these might sound over the top, but for some pet parents, they’re gold.

When it comes down to it, the best automatic cat feeder is the one that fits both your lifestyle and your cat’s needs. So, do a bit of homework, maybe even create a checklist, and you’ll find the perfect match in no time.

Safety Tips When Using Automatic Cat Feeders:

I’ll admit, when I first got my automatic cat feeder, I was a mix of excitement and… a tad bit of nervousness. I mean, I’m handing over my cat’s feeding responsibilities to a machine! But with a few safety precautions, I’ve been able to use it with confidence. Here’s what I’ve learned:

  1. Setup Spot: Choose a stable spot for the feeder. You don’t want curious paws knocking it over in the middle of the night. Trust me, it’s happened before.
  2. Check, Double-Check: Before leaving your cat alone with the feeder for the first time, run a few test cycles. Ensure it dispenses the right amount and at the set times.
  3. Monitor Freshness: If you’re loading it up with wet food, make sure it doesn’t sit out too long. Even in machines that promise to keep it fresh, always check. A spoiled meal is no fun for anyone.
  4. Regular Cleaning: Just as you wouldn’t eat from a dirty plate daily, ensure the feeder stays clean. Regularly empty, wash, and dry it to keep bacteria and mold at bay.
  5. Battery & Power Check: If your feeder runs on batteries, keep a check on their life. You don’t want them dying unexpectedly. If it’s electric, ensure the cord is out of kitty’s mischief zone.

Using an automatic cat feeder has been a game-changer for me, but like with all things, a little care goes a long way. Once you’ve got the safety routine down, both you and your kitty can enjoy the perks without the worries!

Tips to Maximize Black Friday Savings

  1. Research Early: Don’t wait for Black Friday to roll around. Start looking up your desired products now. Know the usual prices so you can spot a real deal from a fake markdown.
  2. Set a Budget: It’s easy to get carried away. Decide on a budget beforehand. Remember, a deal isn’t really a deal if you didn’t plan to buy it in the first place!
  3. Check for Combo Deals: Sometimes buying more than one item or bundling products can lead to additional savings. Need a cat feeder and maybe a new toy or cat bed? Bundles might be your best friend.
  4. Compare Shop: Found a deal? Awesome! Now, pause and check a couple of other sites. Someone else might be offering it cheaper or throwing in a bonus.
  5. Avoid Impulse Buys: Retailers are experts at tempting us with those “limited-time offers.” If it’s not on your list or doesn’t fit your budget, step away. There’s always another sale around the corner.
  6. Stay Safe: Only buy from reputable sites, especially if they’re new to you. Check for secure payment methods, and be wary of deals that seem too good to be true.

Armed with these tips, you’re all set to conquer Black Friday like a pro. Happy shopping, and may the odds of finding that perfect cat feeder deal be ever in your favor!

Reviews and User Experiences:

There’s nothing like hearing from people who’ve walked the walk, right? So when I was considering getting an automatic cat feeder, I deep-dived into reviews and chatted with a few friends. Here’s a mash-up of some of the most telling feedback I came across:

  1. Jordan: “I bought two of these for my cats and love it. we hand fed our cats for a few years before getting these and boy, what a difference. it has freed up so much time – don’t have to be home at certain times through the day. (pretty standard for automatic feeders) but it runs on electricity and leaving, we don’t have to worry about it not working since it has batteries to run off of if the power goes out..”
  2. Amanda Viers: “Overall, I can’t recommend this automatic cat food dispenser enough. It’s a reliable and user-friendly solution that has truly improved our daily routine. If you want peace of mind knowing your pet is well-fed and an easy setup process, this dispenser is the way to go.”


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Are automatic cat feeders reliable?

Definitely! But, like all gadgets, quality varies. Stick to reputable brands, read reviews, and test it out before relying on it fully, especially if you plan to be away for a while.

2. Can they handle both wet and dry food?

Yes and no. Some feeders are designed for dry food only, while others can manage wet food. Some even have refrigeration features! Check the product details before buying.

3. What if there’s a power outage?

Many feeders come with a battery backup. If your area frequently experiences power cuts, consider a feeder that can run solely on batteries or has a backup option.

4. Can one feeder work for multiple cats?

There are feeders designed especially for multi-cat households. They can dispense portions for each cat, and some even recognize individual cats using microchips or RFID tags.

5. How often do I need to clean it?

It’s good practice to clean the feeder at least once a week, especially if you’re using wet food. Regular cleaning ensures hygiene and smooth operation.

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Hey! My name is Amit, and I run this blog. I enjoy locating the best deals for you so that you can save money! Aside from that, I'm also writing a blog about smart technologies that help us every day.

Disclaimer: is a personal blog that participates in affiliate and associate programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn compensation on products purchased (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases).

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